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New version MyM 6.1 released, Tuesday 08 July 2008
Summary of the most relevant changes for version version 6.1 of the MyM integrated environment for development, visualisation and application of simulations of dynamic systems software.
Fix: Displaying different scenario's,
Fix: Font selection,
Fix: Line colour scenario's,
Fix: Views and fixing dimension templates,
Fix: Crashing MHIM after loading un-loadable model,
Fix: Invisible units at maps,
Fix: Range: fill unit with divider,
Fix: Invisible units at maps continue scale,
Fix: Invisible end value at maps continue scale,
Fix: Table editor,
Fix: Creating a selector,
New: Extend Table editor for time undependable variables and one dimensional data,
New: Run model located to modal dialogue,
New: Time steps in the container indicated with a decimal point: 2100.0,
New: Drawing population pyramid units and classes,
New: No hourglass cursor while using macro action-run,

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