Developer FAQs

What is the difference between MGIM and MPlayer
What are the settings in the .mop file used for?

The .mop externsion for a MyM model is the option file that is automatically loaded for a model.
Thus e.g when we load casc.mdl the mgim tries to load casc.mop file.
If the file exists the settings of the mop file are used. The options can be saved from the view options dialog.


freeze = [0/1]wether the gym runs immediately or waits running when the the user presses the run model button
interpolation = [1/1] if the gym should let the model interpolate values that are not stored
zoom =[number] in how many steps the gym should zoom in and  out
autosave =[0/1] setting to set the autosave option for views in minutes
update =[0/1] shows an update while the model i actual running; regularly the model run first completely and then displays
showtime =[0/1] to show the time on top of the top container
timendec =[number] the number of decimals to be displayed for the time
t.min =[double] the minimum time to be displayed  in the model dialog
t.max=[double] the minimum time to be displayed  in the model dialog
t.sample =[double] the sample of the time
t.step =[double] the step size of the time
t.error = double the error of the time
t.method =[ which method to use, RK1, RK2, etc.
RK1    1
RK2    2
RK4    3
RK5    4

singlegizmo - deprecated

Last updated: 2010-09-03

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