Developer FAQs

Which arguments are valid for m2c?
How do I link external functions?

If your model needs to link external C files together with the code generated from the .M file, set an environment variable MUSEROBJS before you run MMake. For example, supposing you have files myf1.c and myf2.c which you want to link with mymodel.m, do this:

	C:\>set MUSEROBJS=myf1.obj myf2.obj
# note: use the .obj extensions (not .c)
C:\>mmake mymodel.mdl
# note: mmake will compile myf1.c and myf2.c to objs
# note: this unsets the environment variable
Note that mmake will take care of compiling your c-files to obj-files and link them in. In fact, it is recommended to have mmake compile your c-files, and not do it yourself.

Last updated: 2009-05-07

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